Semi-permanent makeup

Toronto Markham Lash Lift, Japanese Eyelash Extensions, Semi-permanent Makeup (Ombre Powder Brows) 多倫多萬錦日式植睫毛, 韓式霧眉, 角蛋白翹睫
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wakeup without makeup

Lash Artistry

Enchanted beauty starts here at 6am Magic

We empower you to embrace your natural aesthetic with our expertise in semi-permanent makeup and lash artistry. We offer services like manual ombre powder brows, microblading, lash lifts and high-quality Japanese lash extensions.

Our focus is on enhancing your features and creating a look that complements your unique style. With high-quality, ethically sourced products and a commitment to exceptional service, we can help you achieve a healthy, sustainable beauty that lets you look and feel your best all day long. Simplify your morning routine and embrace the magic of waking up ready to shine!

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lash ARtistry

Japanese Eyelash Extensions

Safety | Health | Comfort | Aesthetics

Safety, Health, Comfort, and Aesthetics are at the forefront of our Japanese lash extension technique. Soft, comfortable artificial lashes are meticulously applied using professional eyelash glue, creating a seamless and weightless feel. By combining different application techniques and lash types, we create a variety of styles to enhance your natural beauty.

Japanese eyelash extension is a sustainable method to enhance eyelash beauty as it won't cause damage to your natural lashes. Unlike other methods, our gentle application process minimizes stress on your natural lashes, preventing damage. We take your well-being seriously and use only the highest quality products that meet strict health and safety regulations. Learn more about our lash extension styles on our Instagram.

Lash Lift

Low Maintenance Long Lashes for Weeks

A semi-permanent treatment (lasting 6-8 weeks) gently lifts and curls your lashes from the root, creating the illusion of longer, fuller-looking lashes.

Our Magic Lash Lift goes beyond the curl. We incorporate nourishing conditioners and strengthening treatments to keep your lashes healthy and promote growth. For an even bolder look, you can add a lash tint to increase the definition of your eyes.

6am magic
Markham Lash Lift
Pickering Lash Lift
Lash Lift & Tint

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Semi-permanent Makeup

semi-permanent makeup

Semi-permanent Brows Makeup

Wake Up Ready with Effortless Beauty

Semi-permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique that uses tiny colored particles to create the illusion of perfect eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip color. Unlike traditional makeup, semi-permanent makeup can last for several years, so you can enjoy the benefits of a flawless look without having to apply makeup every day.

Safety and natural results are our top priorities. That's why we meticulously select only pigments that meet the rigorous ResAp (2008) 1 (EU Safety Standard) regulations. Over time, the pigments naturally fade away through the skin's metabolic processes.

At 6am Magic, we've mastered the art of Korean semi-permanent eyebrow techniques. These refined methods create stunningly natural-looking brows that last, with minimal recovery time.

Semi-permanent eyebrows services provided by 6am Magic includes, Ombre Brows (Microshading), Microblading & Combo Brows. Our services cater to both women and men, ensuring everyone can enjoy flawless and long-lasting results, irrespective of gender!

Toronto Markham  韓式手工霧眉, 角蛋白翹睫

Manual Ombre Brows

多倫多男仕飄眉 男仕飄霧眉
Markham Men's Microblading

Men’s Combo Brows

Different Types of Semi-permanent Brow Makeup

Toronto Markham Microshading Ombre powder brows 多倫多飄眉
Pickering Microblading
Ajax Microblading
Toronto Markham Combo Brows

Ombre Brows (Microshading)

Application of tiny dots of pigment by manually tapping needles onto the skin to create a gradient effect, mimicking the appearance of softly shaded eyebrows.


A technique designed to create hair-like Strokes Using a Manual tool with fine needles while depositing pigment onto the skin, resulting in realistic-looking eyebrow hairs.

Combo Brows

Also known as combination brows, combining the techniques of microblading and microshading to create realistic hair strokes together with soft shading effect.

If you're unsure which type to choose, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us. We will provide personalized advice to help you select the perfect treatment for your needs.

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Semi-permanent Makeup

What is the difference between the 3 semi-permanent eyebrow services?


This technique uses fine strokes to mimic natural eyebrow hairs, creating a realistic and defined look just like your natural eyebrows.

Manual Ombre Powder Brows:

Powder ombre brows are achieved using a Korean manual shading technique with a special pen.

This technique involves shading the brow shape layer by layer on the surface of the skin, creating a beautiful gradient effect from light to dark. The layered shading technique creates visually full, three-dimensional, and realistic brows.

Combo Brows: Combining microblading and ombre powder brows, this technique creates a more textured and natural look, catering to all skin types and brow goals.

A consultation with us before the semi-permanent service is crucial. We will analyze your skin type, draw suitable brow shapes, and discuss the various techniques and their results. This allows you to choose the best option based on our expertise and your preferences.

Will it scab? How long does it take for the color to become natural?

The results will vary depending on your skin type. Some clients will form scabs, some will only peel, and some will not form scabs or peel at all. The recovery period also varies from person to person. We use the gentlest and professional method to process the pigment into your eyebrows. Please just patiently for your skin to repair itself. It will usually heal in 1 week time. The best result can be seen in 1 month time.

If I am pregnant or breastfeeding, can I receive the service?

Semi-permanent services to anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding is not recommended because it will affect the healing results. Hormones that are present during pregnancy and breastfeeding can make the skin more sensitive and prone to irritation. This can increase the risk of complications, such as infection or scarring.

Will it be painful during the semi-permanent process?

The pain level varies from person to person. Most people describe it as feeling like getting their eyebrows trimmed or not much pain at all. Before the process, we use a numbing cream to reduce the pain during the process, and we also continue to add secondary relief during the process to reduce the pain.

Why do we need a touch up?

During the first coloring session, pigment is implanted into the epidermis layer. This creates a micro-wound, which leads to scabbing. As the scabs fall off, there's a chance of color becoming uneven. A touch-up session is therefore recommended to address this potential unevenness.

Am I a suitable candidate for semi-permanent makeup treatment?

In some cases, someone might not be suitable for semi-permanent makeup.

Uncontrolled diabetes: Can impair healing and increase infection risk.

Skin conditions: Active eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis in the treatment area can disrupt pigment application and lead to uneven results.

Autoimmune diseases: May interfere with healing or pigment retention.

Certain allergies: If you have allergies to makeup or lidocaine (used for numbing), you might be at higher risk for an allergic reaction to pigments.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Out of an abundance of caution, it's generally advised to avoid semi-permanent makeup during these times.

What is included in the price?

The price of our semi-permanent services already includes a consultation to discuss your desired look, color, and technique and a complimentary touch-up session within 3 months after your initial appointment.

How long does semi-Permanent brow treatment take?

The initial appointment will take 2-3 hours in total, including a consultation to discuss your desired look, color, and technique.

Touchup appointment is shorter, typically lasting 60-90 minutes, we will assess how your skin retained the pigment and makes adjustments to refine the shape and color.

How long does semi-permanent makeup last?

It depends on your skin condition. In general, it can last for 1 to 3 years. The speed of fading depends on the individual's skin oiliness. People with oilier skin will have a faster metabolism, and the color will be less bright and fade faster. We recommend that you touch up your eyebrows once a year to maintain the best results.

Lash Lift (& Tint)

How long do the results last?

A lash lift typically lasts 6-8 weeks, while the tint may last 3-4 weeks.

Am I a good candidate for a lash lift & tint?

Anyone with healthy lashes who desires a low-maintenance way to enhance their natural lashes. However, consult us first, you may not be suitable for a lash lift if you have, eye infections, hypersensitivity to adhesives or dyes, recently undergone eye surgery. Please get a consultation form doctor first before a lash lift or wait until you are fully recovered.

Am I a good candidate for a lash lift & tint?

Anyone with healthy lashes who desires a low-maintenance way to enhance their natural lashes. However, consult us first, you may not be suitable for a lash lift if you have, eye infections, hypersensitivity to adhesives or dyes, recently undergone eye surgery. Please get a consultation form doctor first before a lash lift or wait until you are fully recovered.

How long do the results last?

A lash lift typically lasts 6-8 weeks, while the tint may last 3-4 weeks.

How to take care of my eyelashes after a lash lift?

It is recommended that you do not get your eyelashes wet within 12 hours of receiving a Lash Lift. After that, you are free to do whatever you like. You can use any mascara you like, you can wash your face, go swimming, etc. Lift lift is basically a no maintenance treatment.

Japanese Eyelash Extensions

How long does it usually take to get eyelash extensions?

It depends on the type of eyelash extensions you choose and the number of eyelashes you want. If it is your first time to book our lash extensions service, we will spend more time on consultation part, usually for single lash extension, it takes 1.5 - 2 hrs, for 2D or above styles, it takes 2-2.5hrs.

How long do my eyelash extensions last?

Lash extensions typically last 4-8 weeks, but it depends on your natural lash cycle and aftercare routine.

Lashes naturally shed and regrow in cycles. Extensions are attached to your individual lashes, so as your natural lashes fall out, the extensions attached to them will come loose too. Following proper aftercare instructions from your lash technician is crucial. This includes avoiding oil-based products, excessive rubbing, and sleeping on your face.

Can I wash my face after eyelash extensions?

The glue needs a little more time to dry, so you should not get your eyelashes wet for 8 hours after the procedure. Avoid touching your eyelashes with your hands. Keeping your eyelashes and eye area as dry and clean as possible can help improve their longevity.

Can I use mascara after eyelash extensions?

Applying mascara after eyelash extensions will significantly shorten their lifespan. Waterproof mascara, in particular, is the enemy of eyelash extensions! This is because waterproof mascara requires oil-based removers for thorough removal, and this oil can also affect the lifespan of the glue used for eyelash extensions.

Who is not suitable for eyelash extensions?

The following people are not suitable for eyelash extensions:

- Those with sensitive or easily inflamed eyes or existing eye conditions.

- Those who recently underwent eyelid surgery (within a month).

- Those who had tattooed eyeliner within the past month.

What should I prepare before eyelash extensions?

Please avoid applying eye makeup including, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and using eyelash curlers. Avoid caffeine also for a few hours before your eyelash extension appointment because caffeine will cause eyelid twitching, this can make it difficult for us to apply the extensions precisely and securely.

Can I wear makeup after eyelash extensions?

Yes, you can wear makeup after eyelash extensions. All eye makeup can be applied as usual. However, if you need to apply makeup on the same day as your eyelash extensions, please make sure to wait 8 hours after the extensions are completed before removing your makeup, and please avoid oil-based makeup removers as it can dissolve the adhesive that bonds the extensions to your natural lashes.

Toronto Markham Lash Lift, Japanese Eyelash Extensions, Semi-permanent Makeup (Ombre Powder Brows) 多倫多萬錦日式植睫毛, 韓式霧眉, 角蛋白翹睫
Toronto Markham Lash Lift, Japanese Eyelash Extensions, Semi-permanent Makeup (Ombre Powder Brows) 多倫多萬錦日式植睫毛, 韓式霧眉, 角蛋白翹睫

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Cornell, Markham, Ontario

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